Browsing: indian real estate news

Brand Rating SARE Olympia, SARE Homes, Gurgaon real estate, Sports theme housing, Indian real estate news, Real estate news India, Track2Realty Theme-based housing in India

SARE Olympia – 17 acre sports-themed housing

Olympia has been designed keeping in mind the fact that the presence and availability of playing spaces and active sports for children works wonders for their health and also sharpens their minds and personalities. With in-built privacy for families, ample play spaces for children, proximity to work, access to good healthcare and educational institutions, ‘Olympia’ is the perfect package for the entire family.

Commercial Sobha City Thrissur, Sobha Ltd, Thrissur real estate, Large format malls, retail spaces in Thrissur, Indian real estate news, India property market, India real estate newsmagazine, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Location matters but can’t be sole retail driver

Location matters and so does a good understanding of the consumer market where a mall is located. Successful retail positioning relies on research into the local consumer market and securing anchor tenants. Once a mall opens, retail property managers must be proactive in asset management, maintaining an optimal mix of tenants and tracking retailers’ performances.

Brand Rating Tata Myst, Kasauli Property, Shimla Property, Solan Property, Luxury Villa, Second Homes in Himalayas, Holiday Homes, Holiday Destinations, Indian real estate news, India real estate market, India property market, Track2Media Research, Track2Realty

Mark2Market-Tata Myst promises luxury in Himalayas

Myst has been conceptualised on the basis of in-depth understanding of both stated and unstated needs of our customers. For the project Tata Housing has conducted Qualitative Research followed by Focus Group amongst a niche audience on the location, theme and project architecture. The design was finalised post integrating the design elements as suggested by the consumers.

Finance Rupee, Rupees, Indian currency, Indian money, Cash, Indian real estate news, Indian realty news, India property market, Finance, Track2Realty, Track2Media Research

An imminent price correction on cards

There had suddenly been a deafening silence when the RBI Governor Dr Raghuram Rajan recently asked the real estate developers to reduce the home prices. However, the economist in Rajan was not making a faux pass. He could rather see a supply side of bubble in the making. Therefore, he came harsh on the sector.

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