Browsing: FSI

Consumer Connect Independence Day, India at 75, Freedom From FSI, FSI, FAR, FSI & Density Norms, FSI Free Cities

Will freedom from FSI lead to affordable housing for all?

Freedom is a luxury and it means different things to different set of people. The stakeholders within the built environment of the Indian real estate too have their own set of definition when it comes to what defines their freedom. While for a home buyer, freedom is to have a rent-free house of one’s own at an affordable price, for the developers the quest has been freedom from multiple bottlenecks – single window clearance, industry status, easy funding and, most importantly, FSI free developments. Track2Realty investigates whether ‘Freedom From FSI’ would be boon or bane. 

Consumer Connect Realty terms, Real estate terminology, Property market terms, Understanding of real estate terms, Carpet area, Super built up area, FSI, Loading, CAM, Common Area Maintenance, Stamp Duty, Registration Charges, PLC, Preferential Location Charges, India real estate news, Indian realty news, Real estate news India, Track2Realty, Track2Media Research

Realty terms buyer needs to know

There is no rocket science in real estate that buyers can not adopt and understand for their own better understanding of the most valuable asset called house. Proper understanding of the real estate terminology also helps the homebuyers to safeguard against the misleading sale.